If you are using vPlug, you need to delete its PowerVU.mdl to disable its PowerVU support. Only one plugin is able to decrypt the same TS(Audio/Video) correctly at once. Disable other plugins that are able to decrypt the PowerVU.
P IdentVideoPidAudioPid KeyIndex Key Comments
ini & Softcam.Key files to the `Plugins` folder of the DVB-Viewer-Pro. PowerVU Emu is an standalone emulator for DVB-Viewer-Pro, DVB-Dream, SmartDVB, TSReader and ProgDVB. ⚽️⚽️LUCKY IPTV ⚽️⚽️- ⚽️⚽️ LUCKY - SKY-SAT ONLINE ⚽️⚽️ LUCKY SKY ITALIA SAT FULL-HD REALE⚽️⚽️VISA/MASTERCARD - BITCOIN - PAYPAL⚽️ PIU' FORTI CHE MAI ✅PROMO BITCOIN 50% ⚽️⚽️ Mefisto IPTV Stabilità senza freeze o blocchi solo da noi la professionalità 3 flussi
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